> SESSION 3 > 37

, contribution 37 - André Guichaoua



I was about to the speak to Judges but since with Alison Des Forges. I am the witness who has testified the most in a trial I testified for five weeks running and twice and I don’t think there are many persons who have done same. But let me say that one of the accused persons, a lady for that matter collapsed because of intense its of the proceedings and the lawyer collapse and the last same thing happened to me that was 10 minutes after the end of the trial. But let me say that the Judges shoulder responsibility in the length of the trials in the violent nay tour of interactions in the heated or lively nature of proceedings. I’m not going to say anything else. I do not I’m not taking it out of the lawyers but I believe that having testified in nine or 11 trials, the difference the attitude or approach of the Judges was very different and that much I have to say. I’m not going to say anything more in respect of the conduct of proceedings which I’m going to let to the Judges