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The three-day conference has resulted in very interesting and passionate debates. The participants were not invited to deliver a formal communication but to take the floor on a spontaneous basis. Each contrbiution thus is quite short and reflects an oral-style.

A search engine to search the 150 contributions of the conference:

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This website has implemented a fully bilingual policy and has reckoned that many people are able to understand English and French, the two languages of the conference. Thus, search results will direct you to the original version of the transcripts you are looking for. The translated version is available at any time.

The "Full transcripts" page offers a more chronological perspective. Contributions are ordered session by session.

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Trial in absentia

(2 Articles)

  • - contribution 06 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    Politics & Justice - Trial in absentia - Completion strategy
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do not think that the phrase « completion strategy » is really apt to describe what we are eventually obliged to do, not only through discussions but through the pressure of the budgetary committee of the United Nations. It was a question of stop strategy rather than a completion strategy. A completion strategy involves the completion of your work. I don’t think that what the Tribunals were asked to do was to complete their work. They said : « Enough is enough. We the politicians say you have to stop sometime. » And they have to bring out something which was (...)

  • - contribution 07 (BIJU-DUVAL Jean-Marie)

    français (version originale) english


    Procès in absentia
    Merci, Monsieur le Président. Un mot sur cette question. En matière judiciaire, nous le savons, il y a des fictions juridiques qui sont parfois extrêmement utiles. Il y en a d’autres qui me paraissent particulièrement inutiles, voire dangereuses. La contumace me paraît relever de la deuxième catégorie. Nous savons bien que dans nos systèmes, le jugement par contumace existe mais nous en savons bien les limites et la valeur. Nous sommes assez lucides pour savoir que le procès par contumace n’a à peu près rien à voir avec un procès, faute de contradiction efficace. Ma formulation est peut-être exagérée, (...)