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The three-day conference has resulted in very interesting and passionate debates. The participants were not invited to deliver a formal communication but to take the floor on a spontaneous basis. Each contrbiution thus is quite short and reflects an oral-style.

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This website has implemented a fully bilingual policy and has reckoned that many people are able to understand English and French, the two languages of the conference. Thus, search results will direct you to the original version of the transcripts you are looking for. The translated version is available at any time.

The "Full transcripts" page offers a more chronological perspective. Contributions are ordered session by session.

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(6 Articles)

  • - contribution 03 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    Guilty plea - Kambanda
    I wish to agree about Kambanda. Because myself and Mr. Othman worked very hard. We interviewed Kambanda many times. We did, in fact, hold out the fact that if he pleaded guilty, that would take it into consideration. We were very disappointed when our prosecutor arrived on the sentence. "Now, this is the first sentence. We have to ask for life." We tried as much as possible, myself and Othman to persuade that if we can get more people to plead guilty it would serve as an example. This is the whole point. Unfortunately we had to tow the line of our boss. I think that the position (...)

  • - contribution 05 (NGARAMBE Joseph)

    français (version originale) english


    Plaider coupable - Kambanda
    C’est pour revenir sur la méthode de l’aveu et de l’affaire Kambanda. Monsieur Muna vient de dire que peut être les juges auraient dû. Mais moi, je veux parler du Bureau du Procureur parce qu’en novembre 2002, le Procureur m’a envoyé aller négocier avec Kambanda au Mali car Kambanda ne voulait plus parler à un seul membre du Bureau du Procureur. Le Procureur adjoint de l’époque qui assurait l’intérim, c’était Monsieur Michael Johnson. Il m’a demandé d’essayer de renouer le dialogue entre le Bureau du Procureur et Kambanda. Il a insisté pour que je le fasse. Je me suis engagé, je l’ai fait. Je l’ai appelé, (...)

  • - contribution 07 (AMOUSSOUGA Roland)

    français (version originale) english


    Les libérés - Plaider coupable - Kambanda
    Merci, Monsieur le Président. Je me permettrais certainement de revenir sur quelques points. D’abord, en ce qui concerne ce que Monsieur Muna a déclaré. Si mes souvenirs ne me trompent pas, je m’interroge lorsqu’il dit que le Procureur aurait demandé, dans son réquisitoire, la peine de prison à vie. Si mes souvenirs sont bons, je pense que le Procureur aurait plutôt demandé 25 ans, et la Défense avait demandé 2 ans. Je me rappelle très bien la position de la Chambre, en particulier de feu Monsieur le Président Laïty Kama, qui s’était en quelque sorte désengagé et n’a pas été dans le sens souhaité par (...)

  • - contribution 08 (APTEL Cécile)

    français (version originale) english


    Plaider coupable - Kambanda
    Merci. Je ne souhaite pas m’exprimer longuement sur la question de Kambanda parce que on ne sait pas ce qu’il va advenir de Kambanda. Il pourrait à un certain moment se mettre à coopérer à nouveau avec le Bureau du Procureur ou avec la Défense. Mais juste une chose à rectifier. En 1998 lorsque Kambanda a plaidé coupable, j’étais la juriste qui travaillait auprès de la Chambre de première instance I et notamment avec feu le Président Kama. J’ai donc eu à suivre cette affaire et à assister les Juges dans la rédaction de ce très court jugement de culpabilité de Kambanda. Simplement sur les faits : c’est (...)

  • - contribution 09 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    Guilty plea - Kambanda
    I just want to bring out this aspect of what happened in court. This, again, was a bit of a clash between the common law system and the civil law system. In the common law system, the lawyer asks and speaks on behalf of the client. We were shocked because in the judgement of the Court the fact that he showed no remorse was mentioned, which was factually not true. Because he spoke through his counsel and his counsel pleaded for him and said that he is sorry and so forth. His counsel was his spokesman for the Accused. And in the English system, that is correct. So when Kambanda said (...)

  • - contribution 10 (OTHMAN Mohamed)

    français english (original version)


    Guilty plea - Kambanda
    Two or three things concerning guilty pleas, and then maybe to situate Kambanda also. I think there are two areas of importance in the guilty plea process between the Defence and the Prosecution. One is when you are establishing the agreed facts. There is always tension between the Prosecution and the Defence when you are establishing the agred facts that constitutes the crime in which the person is pleading guilty. And here, of course, within the Tribunal, there is a lesser margin of dropping charges than you have in the American system of plea bargaining. Secondly, of course, it (...)