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Search tools

The three-day conference has resulted in very interesting and passionate debates. The participants were not invited to deliver a formal communication but to take the floor on a spontaneous basis. Each contrbiution thus is quite short and reflects an oral-style.

A search engine to search the 150 contributions of the conference:

° Do a particpant search

° Do a keyword search (tags)

This website has implemented a fully bilingual policy and has reckoned that many people are able to understand English and French, the two languages of the conference. Thus, search results will direct you to the original version of the transcripts you are looking for. The translated version is available at any time.

The "Full transcripts" page offers a more chronological perspective. Contributions are ordered session by session.

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(2 Articles)

  • - contribution 08 (CRUVELLIER Thierry)

    français (version originale) english


    Premièrement, une toute petite réaction à ce qu’a dit Madame Del Ponte, parce que j’ai peur que vous ne nous fassiez faire un recul sur ce sur quoi vous nous aviez aidés à avancer hier, c’est-à-dire le politique. Il me semble que vous nous proposez le rêve d’une justice sans politique, donc pratiquement d’un monde sans politique. Je m’interroge beaucoup parce que je crois que c’est non seulement un rêve, mais c’est sûrement un rêve dangereux. Vous avez souligné le problème du juge législateur. Une des difficultés qu’on a eue avec ces tribunaux, pour des raisons diverses facilement compréhensibles, ils ont (...)

  • - contribution 17 (JALLOW Hassan Bubacar)

    français english (original version)


    Kabgayi case - The plane - Completion strategy - Transferts
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Responses to a couple of issues, starting the completion strategy. I think there are a couple of lessons we can draw from the way the completion strategy has operated. One of them obviously is that it may have come too late in the day. Yesterday in the discussions we stressed the need, when there is an intervention in a particular situation, for a determination of what one’s objectives are, what are you trying to accomplish, within what time frame do you want to do that. So in that sense, I can see the need for a completion strategy as and when one enters a (...)