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The three-day conference has resulted in very interesting and passionate debates. The participants were not invited to deliver a formal communication but to take the floor on a spontaneous basis. Each contrbiution thus is quite short and reflects an oral-style.

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RPF prosecution

(25 Articles)

  • - contribution 07 (SCHABAS William)

    français english (original version)


    ICTR assessment - Politics & Justice - RPF prosecution - Reconciliation
    Aside from the usual thanks to the organisers, I would like to start my remarks by thanking all of the people in this unusual gathering around the table who have given so much of their professional lives to trying to make this project work. I think it’s important that you should know that it has worked. The discussions I have heard ‑‑ and I wasn’t here for the entire meeting ‑‑ left me with the impression of ‑‑ as often happens when people evaluate and assess the performance of an institution, criticism of various aspects without standing back and looking at the broader picture. But I remember (...)

  • - contribution 09 (REYNTJENS Filip)

    français english (original version)


    Kabgayi case - RPF prosecution
    Thank you, Mr. Vincent. You have properly pronounced my name. In French it is pronounced Reyntjens or something like that. This will not come as a surprise to Bill Schabas, I think that his demonstration was actually quite unconvincing, and I would say at least for three reasons. The first is that the comparison made with Nuremberg and post‑Nazi Germany is simply not realistic in the sense that the Nazi regime was not succeeded by a another criminal regime. And that is pretty different in Rwanda. The current Rwandan regime, after the period of the genocide and its committing crimes (...)

  • - contribution 14 (DEGNI-SÉGUI René)

    français (version originale) english


    Bilan du TPIR - Poursuites contre le FPR
    Merci, Monsieur le Professeur. Je voudrais avant tout emboîter le pas à tous ceux qui m’ont précédé pour remercier les organisateurs, et tout particulièrement le professeur Guichaoua qui a bien voulu m’inviter. Monsieur le Président, je l’ai dit, cher Collègue, je croyais avoir une double casquette, celle de professeur et celle d’ancien rapporteur spécial. L’on m’a ôté l’une de ces casquettes, alors je vais me contenter de parler en tant qu’ancien rapporteur spécial. Je n’ai pas protesté parce que tout avait été dit et si bien dit que je n’ai pas osé revenir là-dessus. Cela dit, en tant qu’ancien (...)

  • - contribution 18 (NSENGIMANA Nkiko)

    français (version originale) english


    Poursuites contre le FPR - Réconciliation
    Merci beaucoup. J’aimerais intervenir sur trois petits points très rapidement. Monsieur Schabas a parlé de 25 000 morts hutus tués par le FPR et ce sont, selon lui, des statistiques sans importance par rapport aux autres morts. Srebrenica, c’était moins et c’est un génocide. J’ai donc envie de dire aussi que le FPR n’a pas tué que ces 25 000 personnes, j’en connais beaucoup plus. J’ai la chance d’avoir été un acteur de la société civile rwandaise et j’ai la chance d’avoir vécu des situations précises. Par exemple, quand, après les Accords de paix, le 4 août 1993, 1 million de réfugiés venait de Byumba, (...)

  • - contribution 20 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    RPF prosecution
    I want just to start with a little remark, because I was also once the Deputy Prosecutor in charge, and I think when I hear the calling of Mr. Jallow, "You don’t do this, you don’t do that," I feel also concerned. As a Prosecutor I worked within the means provided by me. As far as the FPR discussions, we had five. I called the procureur militaire. We worked on it. When Madam Arbia came, we went to see Mr. Kagame, and he agreed. But in the final analysis, in the atmosphere of the Rwandan Tribunal, the Prosecutor does not have an army in which he can go into Rwanda and do what he likes. (...)

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