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The three-day conference has resulted in very interesting and passionate debates. The participants were not invited to deliver a formal communication but to take the floor on a spontaneous basis. Each contrbiution thus is quite short and reflects an oral-style.

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Prosecution strategy

(9 Articles)

  • - contribution 04 (OTHMAN Mohamed)

    français english (original version)


    Whom to prosecute? - Prosecution strategy
    Thank you very much. I think one of the biggest issues in the evolution of the Prosecution strategy in OTP in the Rwanda Tribunal, when investigations began whether in Yugoslavia or in the Rwanda Tribunal, was the approach that is the investigations of executors who would lead to top ranking accused. That was this policy that was adopted during the first two years. But the situation then evolved depending upon the investigations. And the second phase was, when the Prosecution came up with a position, having had a look on the type of atrocities that were committed. Because in the case (...)

  • - contribution 06 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    Civil law vs Common law - RPF prosecution - Prosecution strategy
    I will be turning to my friend Reyntjens. I probably will start with his comments because it goes to the root of what he is thinking. I do not believe that the Tribunal was created to be an arbitrator between the RPF and the Hutu government and so forth. So we keep on talking about the impartiality. It was not the job of the Tribunal to be a referee between the two warring factors in Rwanda. My friend Reyntjens has stuck to this idea of impartiality between the two groups. That was not the job of the Tribunal. The Tribunal was made to get people who had committed genocide and high (...)

  • - contribution 11 (LURQUIN Vincent)

    français (version originale) english


    Poursuites contre le FPR - Stratégies de la poursuite
    Je vous remercie, Monsieur le Président. V. Lurquin J’ai demandé la parole parce que je ne voudrais pas que le Procureur s’habitue à ce qu’il puisse parler sans que les avocats ne lui répondent. Je serai bref puisque nous sommes assez d’accord avec ce qu’a dit Monsieur le professeur Reyntjens. Je ne reviendrai donc pas sur ce problème. Je voudrais juste évoquer un problème plus sémantique. Certains Procureurs ont parlé d’un problème d’enquêtes et d’autres ont parlé d’un problème de thèse. Mais peut-on parler d’enquêtes et de thèse à la fois ? Pour la théorie de la poursuite, je me suis souvenu, et (...)

  • - contribution 12 (KWENDE Alfred)

    français english (original version)


    Prosecution strategy
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I was going to take the floor for more extensive things, then I discovered that we have a session tomorrow, during which I will have much more to say. However, I thought I should say something on a few matters related to investigations which I thought were not revealed or said in the difficulties of getting the Prosecutions in place. It’s just been glossed over, but a major difficulty we need to understand is that the investigations section of ICTR is the only main office of the OTP in Kigali, therefore, placed at the scene of the crime. There is a major (...)

  • - contribution 15 (WEBSTER Don)

    français english (original version)


    The plane - RPF prosecution - Prosecution strategy
    I would like to thank Madame Del Ponte for her response. Actually, I was about to say the same thing, which is that we try to make this distinction between small fish and big fish. When we started the Tribunal in ’95, we had to start with anything that was available, whether it was a big fish or a small fish. Anything that would get the operation started was how things started. It was our great good fortune that Akayesu fell into our hands fortuitously, because that was the best place to start in terms of getting the trials and the investigations up and running in Rwanda. I think 50 (...)

  • - contribution 17 (HASKELL Leslie)

    français english (original version)


    Prosecution strategy
    I would like to discuss some comments made by Ms. Del Ponte and by Don Webster. Actually, with respect to sort of this strategy call and recognising sort of the legal standards that you’re working with, the fact that you do need proof, looking also at the political constraints within which you’re working, certainly more if you look all the way back to ’94, ’95 versus where we’re at today, I think it’s interesting. I would welcome Prosecutor Jallow’s thoughts on it, in terms of this evolution of strategy and how we’ve gotten there. Because I do think that this was a revolutionary process, and so (...)

  • - contribution 18 (WEBSTER Don)

    français english (original version)


    Civil law vs Common law - Prosecution strategy
    I would like to raise an issue and that actually goes back to the comments from Madame Del Ponte when she explains that she opened an investigation against the RPF and sought the cooperation of the Rwandese. Now, that statement in and of itself shows you the complexity of running an office of the Prosecution or running an ad hoc Tribunal. Because I would view that as a very civil law approach to Prosecution, because given my background, I would never announce to the person that I’m investigating that I’m starting an investigation against you. From the American version of common law (...)

  • - contribution 27 (KAMILINDI Thomas)

    français (version originale) english


    Stratégies de la poursuite
    Je m’appelle Thomas Kamilindi, je suis journaliste à La Voix de l’Amérique à Washington. J’ai été témoin dans le procès des Médias, j’ai renoncé à la protection volontairement. Puis, je vous dis que ma fille aînée, qui avait cinq ans, a été tuée en 1994. C’est là que je voudrais poser une question. Une question, en fait, à la Poursuite, au Procureur : ceux qui sont en train d’être jugés n’ont pas vraiment pris la machette. Est-ce qu’il peut y avoir des poursuites pour des responsabilités morales ? Je ne dis pas des personnes morales, mais des responsabilités morales. Parce qu’il y a eu des responsabilités morales (...)

  • - contribution 31 (ARBIA Silvana)

    français (version originale) english


    Stratégies de la poursuite
    J’essaierai d’être très brève. S’agissant de Butare, c’est une affaire qu’on peut - comme l’a dit l’un des intervenants - prendre comme exemple de non fonctionnement ou de mauvais fonctionnement. J’accepte peut-être l’hypothèse, mais j’ai les preuves pour démontrer le contraire. Il s’agit de six accusés dans le même procès et la jonction s’est révélée être une bonne stratégie. Si l’on considère seulement les arrangements pratiques comme par exemple la disponibilité de salles d’audiences pour six procès séparés et la disponibilité de six chambres pour juger six accusés séparément, on constate immédiatement les (...)