home > SESSION 2 > 31

contribution 31 - KWENDE Alfred

français english


Whom to prosecute?


original version

I’m just going to answer one of the questions addressed by Pr. Guichaoua. It was why the lists left from 350, 250 and came down to nothing. We must remember that in 2003, the mandate of the Tribunal was determined. We started a list of people to investigate and let’s be factual and say that that list did not mean like other speakers have said that we have sufficient submission evidence on them. There were lists of people who were just suspects and still had to be investigated.

The list was reviewed. The resolution says by 31st December 2004 we are supposed to stop all investigations and so could not go beyond that. They reviewed the list of investigations, and those cases on which we had started investigations, we had some elements of evidence but could not continue, those files were evaluated and a good number handed over to Rwanda for follow up. On the list of Interpol of suspects whose investigations were completed by them you will find some of these names, and they came from ICTR.

Now beyond that date, we couldn’t go beyond to commit investigations. We still have database which functions. We still have evidence. But it was reviewed by the Prosecutor and by a team of people. Some names that we thought had leads on which national jurisdiction could hand over to Rwanda. And those on which we had nothing at all we could not hand them because we had no issue against them. And that’s why that list came down from 250 to the number you have at hand. Doesn’t mean that those people are free from prosecutions. Rwanda still has the responsibility and the jurisdiction to continue to develop leads and evidence to get those people prosecuted. Thank you.


Nous allons clôturer cette séance maintenant. Merci à tous et à toutes d’avoir contribué à animer cet après-midi.
Merci, à demain. Demain, le début de la séance est à 9 heures.

Levée de la session 17h40
Adjourned at 5.40 pm