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La conférence a donné lieu à trois jours de riches débats, organisés non pas autour de communications écrites au préalable, mais autour d’interventions spontanées.

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Stratégie d’Achèvement

(6 Articles)

  • - contribution 02 (JALLOW Hassan Bubacar)

    français english (original version)


    Kabgayi case - Disclosure of evidence - The plane - Accused at large - Guilty plea - RPF prosecution - Whom to prosecute? - Completion strategy
    Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. Good morning to all the participants. We are certainly pleased to be here to brief you on what we have been doing and to hear from you, where you think we may have done well, where you think we should be going. The 2nd Session, of course, the day before yesterday, raised a lot of issues for the Office of the Prosecutor. Some of the issues listed in the agenda were not, I believe, quite dealt with sufficiently. I will try to give my responses to some of the questions and the comments raised, and also my views on some of the agenda items for the session (...)

  • - contribution 04 (DEL PONTE Carla)

    français (version originale) english


    Bilan du TPIR - Les libérés - Politique & Justice - Poursuites contre le FPR - Stratégie d’Achèvement - Longueur des procédures
    Je dois dire que ce colloque est pour moi un retour sur le passé. Et c’est avec un grand plaisir que j’y ai participé. Je dois dire que cela me donne un peu envie de revenir. Peut-être que cela passera dès que j’aurai quitté Genève, mais aujourd’hui, je dois avouer cela. « Completion strategy » [stratégie d’achèvement]… Là aussi, je dois avouer quelque chose : c’est nous qui l’avons inventée. Je dois dire qu’aujourd’hui, après l’avoir subie, je ne sais plus vraiment si c’était une bonne idée. Dès 2002, nous subissions des pressions politiques. Des membres du Conseil de sécurité disaient : « Mais combien de (...)

  • - contribution 05 (PROSPER Pierre-Richard)

    français english (original version)


    Completion strategy
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I think there’s some confusion regarding the completion strategy, or the issue, actually, takes on a life of its own. Madame Del Ponte reminded me of the sequence of events. That it is true that we in the Security Council began to put a lot of pressure on the Tribunals to focus on closure. And I’ll be frank, the primary issue is we began to get internal pressure regarding the costs of the effort. We in the United States and other governments, everyone kept raising that question: « This is expensive. This is expensive. » So the idea came up and said, well, let’s (...)

  • - contribution 06 (MUNA Bernard Acho)

    français english (original version)


    Politics & Justice - Trial in absentia - Completion strategy
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I do not think that the phrase « completion strategy » is really apt to describe what we are eventually obliged to do, not only through discussions but through the pressure of the budgetary committee of the United Nations. It was a question of stop strategy rather than a completion strategy. A completion strategy involves the completion of your work. I don’t think that what the Tribunals were asked to do was to complete their work. They said : « Enough is enough. We the politicians say you have to stop sometime. » And they have to bring out something which was (...)

  • - contribution 16 (DEL PONTE Carla)

    français (version originale) english


    Stratégie d’Achèvement
    D’abord la question de la résolution du Conseil de sécurité. Vous avez entendu ce matin Pierre-Richard Prosper, il est très diplomate, mais il a dit quelle était la volonté de son État. Naturellement, vous le savez, au Conseil de sécurité, il y a cinq États permanents. En 2007, j’ai commencé à dire que nous n’allions pas pouvoir terminer en 2009 les procès en première instance, et encore moins tout terminer en 2010. Le Président a lui aussi informé le Conseil de sécurité de façon continue. J’ai aussi parlé avec les membres permanents du Conseil de sécurité pour savoir ce qu’il en était. C’est là que j’ai vu (...)

  • - contribution 17 (JALLOW Hassan Bubacar)

    français english (original version)


    Kabgayi case - The plane - Completion strategy - Transferts
    Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Responses to a couple of issues, starting the completion strategy. I think there are a couple of lessons we can draw from the way the completion strategy has operated. One of them obviously is that it may have come too late in the day. Yesterday in the discussions we stressed the need, when there is an intervention in a particular situation, for a determination of what one’s objectives are, what are you trying to accomplish, within what time frame do you want to do that. So in that sense, I can see the need for a completion strategy as and when one enters a (...)